Uninstall Updates On Windows 10 Through Control Panel

The Windows updates are intended to make your computer secure and stable and they download every time there is a new one once you are connected to the internet. On the other hand, there are times that the updates can actually cause problems such as freezing and blue screen errors also known as BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) that will force your computer to restart without you being able to save anything that you are working on. Once you experienced problems with the update that got installed on your computer, you will need to uninstall it to remedy the problem which is the only way to fix this issue.

Here are the steps to uninstall a Windows update on Windows 10 through the Control Panel.

1. Right-click on the START button that is usually located at the bottom left corner of the screen and choose RUN option. (Alternatively, you can press down the WINDOWS key that is in between the CTRL and ALT keys of the keyboard and hit the letter R key.)

2. Type control panel into the "Open:" field box. Click the OK button afterwards.

3. Click on PROGRAMS category.


5. Click on the Windows update that you want to uninstall, which in this case, click on UDPATE FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS (KB4486153) to highlight it.

6. Click on the UNINSTALL button that appeared.

7. Click the YES button to confirm the uninstallation.

The uninstallation process will take place which will take a few minutes.

8. Make sure to save anything that you are working on if there any. Click the RESTART NOW button afterwards.

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