Tell Websites Not To Track Online Activity On Opera 70.0

Many websites tracks your online activity when you visit them by collecting your browsing data to improve security, to provide streamlined content, services, advertisements, and to generate reporting statistics. When you turn on the "Do Not Track" option on the Opera web browser, it will send an additional header with every request with the flag "DNT: 1". This flag will tell websites that you do not want them to track your online behavior. Some countries have DNT (Do Not Track) legislation that will legally protect your request and most well-behaved websites will respect this additional header. However, there will be websites that will not respond to this request and still track your online activity. An example of a website that will respond to your request is if it will not show advertisements that are based on other websites you have visited.

Here are the steps to tell websites not to track your online activity on Opera web browser version 70.0 for Windows.

1. Click the CUSTOMIZE AND CONTROL icon that is located at the top left corner of the Opera window.

2. Click the SETTINGS option.

3. Click the ADVANCED option on the left pane.

4. Click the PRIVACY & SECURITY category on the left pane.

5. Click MORE option.

6. Click the switch labeled "Send a "Do Not Track" request with your browsing traffic" to turn it on.

7. Click the CONFIRM button.

8. Click the red X button located at the top right corner of the Opera window.

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