Remove/Uninstall Extensions (Add-Ons) On Opera Browser 70.0

The Opera web browser allows installation of extensions, also known as add-ons on other web browsers, which will provide more capabilities to it. The extensions ranges from blocking advertisements, download videos from websites, integrate Opera with websites like Facebook or Twitter, and add more options to existing features of the web browser. Many of the extensions that you can add were created by third party developers and they may not work as expected. Extensions can cause slowness to the web browsers because every extension that you install will add more load to it. They can also cause freezing and unexpected behaviors due to conflicts or poor design. One of the troubleshooting steps to fix any problems on a web browser is to disable the extensions and check if the browser will work normally, if so, this means that one of the extensions installed is causing the problem. You can remove any extensions that are problematic or those that you do not need any more except those that came with the Opera web browser itself like the Opera Ad Blocker.

Here are the steps to remove or uninstall an extension on Opera web browser version 70.0 for Windows. The steps are just the same or similar to fairly older or newer versions.

1. Click the CUSTOMIZE AND CONTROL icon that is located at the top left corner of the Opera window. (Alternatively, you can press down the CTRL and SHIFT keys of the keyboard at the same time and hit the letter E key, then jump to Step 3.)

2. Click the EXTENSIONS option, and then click on another EXTENSIONS option.

3. Find the extension that you want to remove and click the X button located at its top right corner.

4. Click the REMOVE button to confirm.

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