Save Webpage As PDF File On Google Chrome

The Google Chrome browser is one of the most used browsers on personal computers as well as on mobile devices like cellphones and tablets and it is also based on the Chromium engine. The Google Chrome browser is fast and adequate with security features, and you can extend its capabilities with add-ons or extensions. Other than being able to save webpages for offline access, you can also save them as MHTML and PDF files. It is best to save webpages as MHTML files because it will capture the original look of the webpages and they will be saved as single files only. It is also good to be able to save webpages in PDF because you can also save them as single files too and they are good for printing purposes. Though PDF files are mainly to be opened by using the Adobe Acrobat software, you can also open PDF files by using the Google Chrome browser itself or any other browsers for that matter.

Here are the steps to save a webpage in PDF (Portable Data Format) file on Google Chrome browser.

1. Click the CUSTOMIZE AND CONTROL icon that looks like three dots arranged vertically located on the top right corner of the Google Chrome window, then click on PRINT... option. (Alternatively, you can press the CTRL key on the keyboard, while pressing it, hit the letter P key.)

2. Click the CHANGE... button on the left pane under the "Destination" category.

3. Click the SAVE AS PDF under the "Print Destinations" category.

4. Click the SAVE button.

5. You can now choose where to save the file and or rename it, in this case, click the DOCUMENTS folder, then click the SAVE button.

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