Restore Bookmarks On Mozilla Firefox Version 76 [JSON]

The Bookmarks section of the Mozilla Firefox web browser is where you save the web addresses of the websites so that you do not have to memorize and type them into the web address bar every time you visit them. This is the same with the contacts section of a smart phone where you store the telephone numbers of people so that you do not have to memorize and key them every time you call them. The Mozilla Firefox saves the Bookmarks section as a JSON file format as the preferred choice. The JSON file is a simple readable text file that is used for storing data and can be used on many programming languages. If you reinstalled your Mozilla Firefox browser or reinstalled the operating system, you can use the backup copy of the Bookmarks that is in JSON file format. You can also use the backup copy to transfer the Bookmarks section to another installation of the Mozilla Firefox installed on another computer.

Here are the steps to restore or import a saved Mozilla Firefox version 76 Bookmarks that is in JSON file format. These steps are just the same or similar to fairly older or newer versions of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

1. Click the LIBRARY icon that looks like books in a shelf located at the right end of the Mozilla Firefox toolbar and click on BOOKMARKS option. (Alternatively, you can press the CTRL and SHIFT keys of the keyboard at the same time, while pressing them, hit the letter B key. Jump to Step 3 afterwards.)

2. Click the SHOW ALL BOOKMARKS option at the bottom of the Bookmarks menu.

3. Click the "Import and Backup" pull down menu, choose RESTORE option, then click on CHOOSE FILE... option.

4. Go to the location where the Bookmarks file is saved, which in this case, click the DOCUMENTS folder on the left pane.

5. Click the Bookmarks file to highlight it, which in this case, click on bookmarks-2020-06-16.json file.

6. Click the OPEN button.

7. Click the OK button.

8. Click the newly created BOOKMARKS BAR folder on the left pane of the Library window.

The Bookmarks are now restored.

You can also see the restored Bookmarks by clicking the LIBRARY icon choose BOOKMARKS option.

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