Save Webpages As MHTML Files On Google Chrome

The feature that I like very much on the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser is to be able to save a webpage into a single file. This single file has an extension name of .MHTML, and sometimes, .MHT. It is actually the Internet Explorer browser that first supported reading and saving webpages into .MHTML files, then followed by other popular browsers either directly or indirectly through settings or extensions. If you save a webpage that contains resources such as images, Flash animations, Java applets, and audio and video files, the browser will save the webpage into a regular HTML file accompanied by a folder that contains the resources of the webpage. On the other hand, if you save a webpage that contains resources into a .MHTML file, the webpage will be saved into a single file only, which is very convenient. Being able to save a webpage into a single file is easier to manage and does not clutter with accompanied folders.

Here are the steps to set the Google Chrome to be able to read and save webpages into .MHTML files.

1. Type chrome://flags into the web address box of the Google Chrome, then hit the ENTER key on the keyboard.

2. Scroll down the page until you get to the "Save Page as MHTML" item.

3. Click the pull down menu on the right side of the "Save Page as MHTML" item and choose ENABLED option.

4. Click the RELAUCH NOW button for the changes to take effect.

You now have the option to save webpages into .MHTML files by choosing "Webpage, Single File" option on the Save As dialogue window when saving webpages. The .MHTML files saved through the Google Chrome browser opens nicely in both the Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers.

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