Set Power Settings To Save Energy On Windows 8.1

Since laptop computers run on batteries, operating systems have schemes on how to use the energy efficiently so that the laptop can operate on longer hours while running on battery. Laptop batteries are actually made up of multiple cells packed into one casing that is why they are called battery packs. The batteries have limited span of life as well as charging cycles, this means that if you frequently use the laptop on battery, you will also frequently charge it that makes the life span of the battery shorter. The Windows 8.1 operating system have a power saver scheme that saves energy by reducing the computer's performance where possible. This setting is advisable if you will use the laptop to travel relying mainly on the battery.

Here are the steps to set the power settings to save energy on Windows 8.1.

1. Right-click on the START button located on the bottom left corner of the screen and choose POWER OPTIONS.

2. Click the "Power saver" radio dial to mark it.

3. Click the X button located on the top right corner of the Power Options window to close it. The setting is automatically saved.

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