Set Opera 30.0 To Start With Start Page (Speed Dial) Only

The Opera web browser developed by the Opera Software is one of the most popular browsers for computers and most especially for mobile devices. The Opera 30.0 web browser as well as some of the previous versions have a feature called Opera Turbo that when turned on, it compresses the webpage first that you want to access up to 80% depending on the content before sending it to your computer for faster viewing. This feature is very helpful if you have a slow internet connection or on a limited data internet connection plan. The Opera Software also invented the Speed Dial where your favorite websites are represented by thumbnails on the start page so that you can simply open them by clicking the thumbnails. There is no limit in the number of websites that you can put on the Speed Dial page. By default, the next time you launch the Opera 30.0 web browser, it will open the webpages again that you left open at the time you closed it. This means that if you left ten tabs of webpages open at the time you closed the browser, they will open again at the same time the next time you launch the browser that will make it run slower, burden the system resources, and eats up your internet connection bandwidth which is especially bad if you are on a limited data internet connection plan. Because of this it is best to set the Opera 30.0 web browser to open only the start page, which is the Speed Dial page, every time you launch it.

Here are the steps to set the Opera 30.0 web browser to only open the start page (Speed Dial) every time you launch it.

1. Click the OPERA button located on the top left corner of the Opera 30.0 window and click the SETTINGS option.

2. Click the radio dial labeled "Open the start page" under the "On startup" category to mark it.

3. Click the X button of the Settings tab.

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