Set Firefox 38.0.5 To Print Background

The Firefox browser is a free open source software developed by Mozilla Foundation and can be installed on many operating systems like Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Android and it uses the Gecko layout engine to render the webpages in the screen. It is the first browser that I've seen to introduce the tab browsing that other browsers copied later on. By default, the Firefox browser will not print the background of webpages when printing them which is good because ink is very expensive and printing will be faster. On the other hand, there will be times that you may need to include the background of webpages when printing them for presentational purposes that you will use in classes. Since there are now printers that comes with continuous ink system, printing webpages with their background can now be less expensive.

Here are the steps to set Firefox 38.0.5 to also print the background of webpages.

1. Click the FILE menu on the Firefox toolbar across the top (or press the ALT key on the keyboard and hit the letter F key) and choose PAGE SETUP... option.

2. Under the FORMAT & OPTIONS tab, click the check box labeled "Print Background (colors & images)" to put a check in it.

3. Click OK button.

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