Remove Item From File Explorer Jump List On Windows 8.1

The File Explorer Jump List on the Windows 8.1 is similar to the My Recent Documents of the Windows XP but it is not located under the Start menu anymore but rather an option of the File Explorer button that is in the Taskbar. The Jump List is a list of folders where you recently opened items and programs in them so that you can easily access their location. However, this feature will expose your privacy because other people who also uses your computer can tell if what folder you have just been into, but you can also use this to tell if what just other people have been on your computer. But then again, you can always unlist folders from the Jump List for folders that you do not want other people to know you opened items or programs in them.

Here are the steps to erase an item from the Jump List on Windows 8.1.

1. Right-click on the FILE EXPLORER button to show the Jump List.

2. Right-click on the item that you want to erase , which in this case, right-click on FURY (2014) (720P) (BLURAY) and choose REMOVE FROM THIS LIST option.

The Fury (2014) (720p) (BluRay) is not on the list anymore.

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