Verify Version Of Firefox 38.0.1

The Firefox browser by the Mozilla Foundation has gone through many versions already. The Firefox browser is one of the most famous browsers in the world, it is easy to use, secure, and have many useful features. It is cross platform, meaning it can be installed on different operating systems like Windows, OS X, Linux, as well as on mobile operating systems like Android and Firefox OS. The Firefox source code is free software under the Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 2.0, this means anyone can view, modify, and or redistribute the source code. Unfortunately though, the Firefox 38.0.1 version does not have the Add-On bar anymore that is located in the bottom, which is useful for the Statusbar Date() extension.

Here are the steps to verify if you are using Firefox 38.0.1.

1. Click the HELP menu located across the top (or press the ALT key on the keyboard and press the letter H key), then click ABOUT FIREFOX option.

The About Mozilla Firefox window will appear showing the version of your Firefox browser.

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