Missing Windows 8.1 Desktop Icons

The Windows 8.1 Desktop is usually the first screen that appears after turning on the computer. It is the view where there are many icons on the left side of the screen, which are called desktop icons. The icons serves as shortcuts to the programs they are representing and they will open those programs if you double-click on these icons. You will be able to add and remove icons on the desktop view, however, if you find that there is not a single icon on the desktop view, it is most likely that the Windows 8.1 was set to hide the icons. It is best if the desktop icons are visible so that you will be able to easily access your programs instead of going through the START menu.

The icons are not present on the desktop view of Windows 8.1.

1. Right-click on any part of the desktop view and choose VIEW option, then click on the SHOW DESKTOP ICONS option and the icons will show up.

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