In the digital information age where computers are interconnected to each other through networking like the internet, keeping secrets and vital information is difficult unless you keep security measures to protect them. One best way to protect your files is by putting passwords to them. When creating passwords, it is highly advisable that you create a password that is very hard to guess but not hard to remember. The usual recommendation when creating a good password is that it contains upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols so that it is hard to break. If you are using Microsoft Office 2007 to type your documents, create your spreadsheets, and other files that it offers, you can secure them with a password.
Here are the steps to put a password on a newly typed Microsoft Office Word 2007 document.
1. Click the OFFICE button located on the top left corner of the Microsoft Office Word 2007 window.
2. Click the SAVE AS and choose WORD DOCUMENT option.
3. Choose the location where you want to save your file, which in this case is the MY DOCUMENTS folder. Then type the a name that you want for the file in the "File name:" field box.
4. Click the TOOLS button located in the bottom left corner and choose GENERAL OPTIONS....
5. Type your desired password for the file in the "Password to open:" field box. Click OK button.
6. A small window will appear that will require you to confirm the password that you chose by retyping it again in the "Reenter password to open:" field box. Click OK button.
7. Finally, click the SAVE button.
Here are the steps to put a password on a newly typed Microsoft Office Word 2007 document.
1. Click the OFFICE button located on the top left corner of the Microsoft Office Word 2007 window.
2. Click the SAVE AS and choose WORD DOCUMENT option.
3. Choose the location where you want to save your file, which in this case is the MY DOCUMENTS folder. Then type the a name that you want for the file in the "File name:" field box.
4. Click the TOOLS button located in the bottom left corner and choose GENERAL OPTIONS....
5. Type your desired password for the file in the "Password to open:" field box. Click OK button.
6. A small window will appear that will require you to confirm the password that you chose by retyping it again in the "Reenter password to open:" field box. Click OK button.
7. Finally, click the SAVE button.
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