Missing Speed Dial On Opera Version 68

The Opera software is a freeware web browser that is cross platform which originated many features such as the Speed Dial. The Speed Dial allows users to add unlimited number of websites shown as icons on a newly opened tab window or at the start page. The Speed Dial offers easy access to the websites that users frequently visit so that they do not have to memorize their web addresses and type them into the web address box. The Opera manages items on the Speed Dial like bookmarks (favorites) and you can transfer items to and from each section. If the Speed Dial is missing on the start page, this means that the setting is set to hide this section.

Here are the steps to set the Opera web browser version 68 to show the Speed Dial section on the start page or every time you open a new tab. The steps are just the same or similar to fairly older or newer versions.

1. Click the CUSTOMIZE AND CONTROL icon located at the top left corner of the Opera web browser window. (Alternatively, you can press the ALT key on the keyboard, while pressing it, hit the letter P key. Proceed to Step 3 afterwards.)

2. Click the SETTINGS option.

3. Click the ADVANCED category on the left pane.

4. Click the BROWSER option.

5. Click the switch labeled "Hide Speed Dial" to turn it off.

6. Click the X button of the Settings tab.

The Speed Dial is now present.

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