Don't Require Windows 8.1 A Password When Computer Wakes From Sleep

It is highly recommended to put a login password on your computer to protect your privacy and security and this is available for setup on the Windows 8.1 operating system. When the computer sleeps after leaving it idle for a few minutes, it will ask for your login password when you wake it up if you setup one. You can at least have the option to set the computer not to require the password anymore when you wake it up from sleep but this is only advisable if you are the only one who uses your computer. If you have a laptop, it is best not to do this since a mobile device can be carried anywhere with people around and this can highly compromise your privacy and security.

Here are the steps to set Windows 8.1 not to require the login password when computer wakes from sleep.

1. Right click on the START button usually located on the bottom left corner of the screen and choose CONTROL PANEL option.

2. Click the SYSTEM AND SECURITY link.

3. Click the REQUIRE A PASSWORD WHEN THE COMPUTER WAKES link under the Power Options category.


5. Click the radio dial button "Don't require a password" option, and click the SAVE CHANGES button.

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