Create Keyboard Shortcut For Shortcut Icon For Windows XP

Opening an application by double-clicking its shortcut icon on the desktop view by using the mouse is not a tedious task to do but yet convenient. However, activating its shortcut icon through a keyboard shortcut keys may even be more convenient because you do not have to move your hand to the mouse while your hands are busy on the keyboard. You can create this keyboard shortcut keys through the properties window of the specific shortcut icon. You can use any character or key on the keyboard to assign it to the icon that you want to activate through the keyboard except for the ESC, ENTER, TAB, SPACEBAR, PRINT SCREEN (PRT SCR), DELETE and BACKSPACE keys. Also, the key that you chose will automatically include the CTRL and ALT keys. This means if you chose the Q key to activate the QuickTime Player shortcut icon on the the desktop view, the CTRL and ALT keys will be automatically included, thus, to activate the QuickTime Player, you will press the CTRL and ALT keys at the same time, and while pressing them, hit the Q key. You can also use the keyboard shortcut keys to easily switch to the applicaton if you used the keyboard shortcut keys to open it.

1. Right-click on the shortcut icon that you want to create a keyboard shortcut keys for, which in this case is the QuickTime Player.

2. Click on the "Shortcut key:" box and press the Q key on the keyboard. You will notice that the Ctrl + Alt + were automatically added with Q.

3. Click OK button.

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